
Weijers nominated as ‘scientific talent 2015’

Plant science researcher Dolf Weijers is one of 25 nominees for the scientific talent of 2015. The winner will be announced in Amsterdam on 24 September.
Rob Ramaker

The talented scientists were selected by a jury from 50 candidates nominated by Dutch and Flemish universities. Dolf Weijers, personal professor in the Biochemistry chair group, studies the development of plants right down to the minutest level. Earlier this year he obtained a Vici grant, and in 2013 he was teacher of the year at Wageningen University. Weijers considers it ‘an honour’ to be nominated but is not planning to start lobbying hard for votes, except for a couple of messages. He is the only Wageningen researcher to be nominated. The public can vote up until 7 September on[](<http://>)Along with the jury’s assessment, the vote will decide the winner of the fi rst scientist of the year award. The winner gets a book package and 1500 euros.

Photo: Guy Ackermans

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