
WUR to come under two ministries

There are no objections to the transfer of Wageningen University and other green educational institutions from the ministry of Economic Affairs (EZ) to the ministry of Education (OCW). This conclusion is drawn by a civil service committee in a report, ‘Green education on the move’. It does stipulate however that EZ and OCW must appoint…
Albert Sikkema

A parliamentary majority voted in November 2015 to move green education to OCW, but thought ‘the strengths of green education’ should be preserved. The civil service committee looked into whether these strengths were at risk and concluded that they were not. The close collaboration between research institutions and EZ can continue. In terms of funding terms, little changes either. Wageningen University is already funded in line with the ministry of Education’s model. The only exception is the 2 percent rule, which ensures that the university’s budget cannot increase or decrease by more than 2 percent. This rule can be abolished, says the committee.

Wageningen Research is not changing ministry. This means in future WUR will have two financiers: OCW for the university and EZ for the research institutes.

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