
To really enjoy your student years you have to join a student society?

Marlies Bos (the left-wing fluffy type) and Jillis Herweijer (the right-wing Hooray Henry type) rarely see eye to eye on matters of politics, the environment or student life

Marlies: Loads of students enjoy themselves without joining a society. There are also study associations which often run activities, both study-related and purely social. And, let’s not forget the Christian clubs, sport clubs and various cultural and social clubs. And I know from experience you can also become best friends with other students on your course. In my opinion there are certain disadvantages to joining a large society: it involves a lot more drinking, it costs time and money, and every year a lot of people drop out because they don’t feel they belong. Personally, I’m a member of a Christian club; it is a cool way to be involved with my faith. Besides, it offers a great combination of depth and socializing, and you are accepted just as you are. JILLIS RESPONDS: You can certainly have an enjoyable time without being a society member. But there’s no question you can have a whole lot more fun if you do sign up! Not sure if you ‘ll fit in? Just come along once you have joined and everything will be just fine. You have to show your face, of course, but you don’t have any problem doing that at the football club, do you? Jillis: Hallo first years! You’ve just cut those apron strings, you are standing on your own two feet, and now you have choices to make. Your first choice was a good one: to study in Wageningen. Now your second choice: which student society are you going to join? Because you will join one. That’s a given, isn’t it? Wageningen is a fine little city but it’s no Utrecht, Groningen or Amsterdam. There’s a good reason why more than 50 percent of students are society members, which is unique in the Netherlands, but logical in little Wageningen. Here you have to take the first step yourself if you want to have a brilliant time as a student, make lots of friends and have countless experiences that you will recall with pleasure and nostalgia once you are in the workplace. So, be sure to check out Ceres, KSV and SSR and find out what suits you best. I strongly recommend you do. MARLIES RESPONDS: It is true that you have to take the first step yourself if you are going to have a good time, but I think you making quite an assumption when you say that a student society guarantees that. And what has the fact that Wageningen is small got to do with anything?

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