
New pictures on coffee machines

The pictures on the new coffee machines in Wageningen UR offices are to be replaced. The pictures provided by supplier Maas are too stereotypical and reinforce traditional roles.
Roelof Kleis

Facilities and Services drew this conclusion after receiving a complaint from a member of staff who thought the pictures inappropriate as they portray women as temptresses and men as voyeurs. After extensive consultations, FB agrees. ‘We think it is sensible to replace the pictures with more neutral ones, given the different cultures present in our organization,’ explains project leader Pim Marcusse. It is not yet clear which pictures will now grace the displays on the machines.

According to Marcusse, Maas does not have alternative images available, so FB is going to look for suitable pictures itself. ‘It will probably be a combination of familiar Wageningen UR scenes and pictures of coffee,’ reveals Marcusse. For the time being, the current pictures are still on display. The new pictures have to be uploaded separately on each machine.

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