
Naaijkens goes in search of new supervisory body for VHL

Jeroen Naaijkens has been appointed quartermaster for VHL by the Supervisory Board. He will talk with many in and around VHL, and give advice on the unbundling procedure and the new supervisory body for this applied sciences university.

Naaijkens is an experienced administrator and knows a great deal about higher education, agri-food and landscape. He was the executive board chairman of HAS Den Bosch for eleven years up to 2010. He is currently engaged in the Atelier Waarden van het Land, and is the executive chairman of Food & Nutrition Delta, an innovation programme for small and medium-sized enterprises in the food sector. He is also involved in new nutrition and landscape set-ups in the province of Brabant. His own consultancy agency in Den Bosch is called Wokke Food Systems. ‘I wouldn’t bog people down with all sorts of plans,’ Naaijkens makes it clear straightaway. ‘I have been approached by the present Supervisory Board to look for a new supervisory body to enable VHL to carry on independently. To get a good idea of the qualities, functions and persons needed for this supervisory body, I will talk with many people to gauge the opinions within and outside the applied sciences university. This will enable me to make a recommendation to the Supervisory Board on 1 October.’ Naaijkens has a good listening ear, say those within his circle who know him in his capacity as administrator. He is not afraid to make decisions, but he only does this when he is sure that a decision will be supported. This seems to be the approach he will take in Van Hall Larenstein. ‘I wouldn’t make up a new strategy; I will look into existing plans. There must be an approach there which can enable VHL to move on. We hope then that when the internal discussions are finished, there will be a stable foundation on which to work towards the future. It’s a pity if administrative uncertainty prevents people from enjoying their work.’ Naaijkens says he will draw up the policy strategy for VHL in broad terms on paper. ‘When I approach candidates for the new supervisory body, they will naturally ask what is expected of them and what this strategy looks like.’ Naaijkens will set up his tasks in accordance with the Supervisory Board and the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Agriculture and Innovation.

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