
Guerrilla sunflowers

All over Wageningen their yellow heads are appearing: unplanned sunflowers. Shooting up from seeds sown in May by anonymous idealists.
Nicolette Meerstadt

It is a modern form of rebellion against con-ven-tional and boring urban planning: guerrilla gardening. Covertly sowing seeds in charmless places in the city in an effort to spread joy. Now, a few months later, the results are evident. At least, for anyone who looks closely.

In any event, a resident of the Churchillweg is pleasantly surprised. ‘I’ve been living here for three years, yet I’ve never seen this before,’ says the elderly man. ‘This one came up good and strong; I kept watering it. It had a huge head, but one morning someone had cut it off.’ Luckily for this gentleman, another head is already growing.

The largest group of sunflowers are standing on the former site of LA13, on the Lawickse Allee. Close to what used to be the university’s main building. You can find more sunflowers on the Resource website. Or enjoy a bike ride through the city and admire them in the flesh.

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