
GMO’s in perspective

Who? Bert LotzWhat? Specialist in genetic modificationWhy? Guest on Kennis van Nu radio show
Koen Guiking

Genetic modification was in the news again, so get Bert Lotz in to comment?

‘Yes, I do get asked quite often. And I am happy to do it. I often take part in debates or speak to journalists. Politicians frequently get in touch with me too, to find out about genetic modification. My role is to give a nuanced overview so that people can adopt their own standpoint on a well-informed basis.’

Were the nuances in evidence on Kennis van Nu?

‘Certainly. A radio programme in which you have an hour of balanced and light-hearted discussion on genetic modification is really quite unique.’

But not so balanced that there was no debate?

‘It was prompted by Justus Wesseler’s inaugural lecture at Wageningen UR. He had calculated the costs of not applying GM technology. That was very refreshing. And there was enough debate. Science journalist Hidde Boersma was at the table, and he was more combative. I liked that because it gave me the chance to put things in perspective on the basis of the currently available science.’

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