
Fresco not in Paris due to copper theft

A copper theft prohibited railway traffic between Brussel and Paris and prevented Louise Freco to be part of the climate conference in Paris.
Koen Guiking

De Thalys op Amsterdam Centraal. Foto:Bart

On Sunday 30 November Fresco was on Amsterdam Central Station ready to take the Thalys train to Paris for a meeting with chairmen from other knowledge institutes. They planned to meet together to write a definite text in which the institutions collaboratively state that they scientifically contribute to the ‘4 promille’ (quattre promille) initiative. This is a worldwide initiative to strive to get 4 promille of the CO2 out of the atmosphere into the soil.

However, at Amsterdam Central station it was found that the train was considerably delayed due to a copper theft on the railway. It was too late to go by car or train.

The 4 promille initiative was presented today. Also the scientific institutions were present to express their support for this plan and to show that they will aim their research on concretising it. For this meeting Fresco was invited, but travelling to France for only this ‘is not really productive’, says Simon Vink, Fresco’s spokesman.

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