
Competition: the best piece of journalism

Have you always wanted to write for the media? Do you harbour journalistic ambitions? Can you produce the quality needed for the general public? This is your chance...

Resource is putting up 250 hard euros for the best piece of journalism it receives. This may be an interview, a column, an essay or any other form that is unmistakably journalism. Provided it relates to the theme of this competition. And that theme is: *the tense relationship between science and society*. These days researchers can easily have their say on TV, but at the same time criticism is growing of the integrity and economic importance of the scientific pursuit. What new light can you throw on this matter? The Golden Troll But that’s not all. The value of a medium such as Resource lies not only in our journalistic output, but also in the discussion that it incites among its readers. At least as important. That’s why we are offering a second prize, also 250 euros, for the sharpest respondent. Who will prove himself or herself capable of producing the most highly valued reactions to the Resource site throughout 2012? This is the person to whom we will award the Golden Troll. Why these prizes? In November 2011, Resource itself won the prize for the best journalistic medium in higher education, the Golden Gadfly. This came with a prize of 500 euros. Of course, we could have easily frittered that sum away, but we prefer to spend it on something we value: a well-written article and thought-provoking reactions to our site. **The small print Prize 1: The best piece of journalism

  • Produce a journalistic piece, suitable for print (i.e. not a film).

  • The theme is: the tense relationship between science and society.

  • Students and employees of Wageningen UR are eligible to participate in this competition.

  • The jury: Rik Nijland, freelance journalist for, among others, De Volkskrant and Resource, Cees Leeuwis (Professor of Communication and Innovation Studies at Wageningen UR) and Gaby van Caulil (editor-in-chief of Resource).

  • The deadline is 1 March.

  • Email your piece, between 300 to 800 words in length, to

  • The prize is 250 euros and the publication of the piece in Resource.

    Prize 2: The Golden Troll

  • The oeuvre prize for the sharpest respondent on throughout the whole of 2012.

  • The judgement criteria are: intrinsic value, humour, timing, writing style (engaging & concise).

  • Judging will be done on the basis of name/alias. Reactions submitted by the same person but under difference names/alias will not be counted together.

  • The prize can only be awarded if the person behind any alias used is known, at least to the editorial team. This information can be revealed by entering the correct email address in the reaction field. If necessary, the editorial team can appeal for the winner to make himself or herself known.

  • The jury for the Golden Troll consists of three members of the Resource editorial team: Nicolette Meerstadt (web editor), Rob Ramaker (science editor) and Rob Goossens (copy editor).

  • Only students and employees of Wageningen UR are eligible for the prize. (You must have been a student or employee for at least four months in 2012.)

  • The prize is 250 euros and the publication of a complication of your reactions in Resource.

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