
Career path besides tenure track

Assistant professors who do not wish to participate in tenure track can still become associate professors at the university. If they meet the criteria they can become ‘personal associate professors’, according to an agreement between the executive board and the central employees’ council (COR).
Albert Sikkema

The arrangements for personal associate professorships are intended for assistant professors who want to be able to move on to a post as associate professor but do not have the ambition to hold a personal full professorship. This option is not available within tenure track, Wageningen University’s career structure. The new post is a solution to that.

Academics who want to proceed to a personal associate professorship are required to keep a personal file, just like candidates on tenure track. This is done in consultation with the professor and evaluated by an advisory committee on appointments. In another parallel with staff on tenure track, they are assessed on their teaching, their research, their acquisition and their management. This way, the executive board seeks to ensure that all associate professors meet the same criteria.

The personal associate professors will get a top-up on their salary, and will be assessed every five years, just like a personal (full) professor, to see whether they still meet the criteria. If not, their ‘plus’ is withdrawn and the allowance with it.

More information in Resource magazine

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